Council Priorities 2022 to 2026
As part of the 2022 to 2026 Council term, Orillia Council identified the following priorities:
- Helping the community with things that matter such as physician recruitment, housing, investing in improving roads infrastructure and services, protecting the City’s natural beauty and implementing the Climate Change Action Plan.
- Looking at ways to help our most vulnerable, such as those facing homelessness, mental health and the opioid crisis.
- Strengthening community participation/engagement through equity, diversity, inclusion and truth and reconciliation.
- Business retention and expansion and arts and culture.
Learn more about each priority and find out about Council's decisions and actions to date to support these priorities aimed to enhance the quality of life in Orillia.
Community First |
Since taking office, Council has made it a priority to help the community with things that matter such as physician recruitment, housing, investing in improving roads infrastructure and services, protecting the City’s natural beauty and implementing the Climate Change Action Plan.
Actions to date include:
- Provided supportive funding to community agencies such as Information Orillia, the Mariposa Folk Foundation, Orillia and Area Physician Recruitment, Sustainable Orillia, etc.
- Working with the County of Simcoe on a Housing Attainable Supply Action Plan.
- Increased the Affordable Housing Reserve contribution annually from $200,000 to $425,000.
- Approved the creation and hiring a Housing Coordinator position.
- Allocated $457,000 to playground apparatus replacements.
- Put a high priority on improving roads and sidewalks throughout the city, with funding of the annual road resurfacing program in the amount of $2 million and the annual sidewalk program in the amount of $1.2 million.
- Approved Laclie Street Reconstruction Project (Phase 2) in the amount of $9.9 million.
- Awarded over $125,000 in grant funding through the City’s Affordable Housing Incentives Program to increase the supply of affordable housing units.
- Approved the Brian Orser Arena Reconstruction in the amount of $12.4 million
- Received Climate Change Adaptation Strategy.
- Climate Change Action Plan directives:
- Approved the creation and hiring a Climate Change Action Plan Coordinator position.
- Approved Sustainable Environmental Procurement Policy project
- Approved Orillia City Centre Building Automation System
- Approved more water bottle filling stations at City facilities
- Approved greenhouse gas facility audits and condition assessments
- Approved Flood Plain Mapping project
- Provided funding for Sustainable Orillia
- Approved Transit Electrification and Zero Emissions Study
- LED lighting upgrades in parks, facilities and parking lots.
- Approved the McKinnell Square Park washroom building refurbishment in the amount of $320,000.
- Approved the Harvie Hill standpipe construction in the amount of $11 million.
Helping Our Most Vulnerable |
Since taking office, Council has made it a priority to look at ways to help our most vulnerable, such as those facing homelessness, mental health and the opioid crisis and supporting community-based policing initiatives for safer streets.
Actions to date include:
- Increased the Affordable Housing Reserve contribution annually from $100,000 to $200,000.
- Approved the creation and hiring a Housing Coordinator position.
- Provided funding for the Orillia Overnight Warming Centre.
- Established a Opioid and Homelessness Task Force.
- Adopted a Recreation Financial Assistance Program for a two-year pilot program beginning January 1, 2024.
- Funding the development of an Orillia Poverty Reduction Action Plan in partnership with Lakehead University and approving the creation of a Poverty Reduction Working Group to review and evaluate the recommendations, including exploring effective evidence-based implementation strategies, analyzing current efforts, addressing access barriers, and ensuring long-term sustainability.
- Supported the site development for the Supportive Rapid Re-Housing Program partnership with the County of Simcoe on 175 West Street South and committed to a financial contribution of up to $100,000 for fees related to the project along with a tax exemption for the duration of the program.
- Introduced a new $2 seniors' fare and complimentary teen pass initiative as part of a 12-month pilot project.
Strengthening the Community
Since taking office, Council has made it a priority to look at ways to strengthen community participation/engagement through equity, diversity, inclusion and truth and reconciliation.
Actions to date include:
- Recognized National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Sept. 30) as a Statutory Holiday.
- Implemented City-wide customer service enhancements (i.e. extended hours pilot, website enhancements, online access to services, etc.).
- Approved Council Chamber accessibility/technology updates to make Council meetings more accessible to all.
- Members of Orillia City Council, the Strategic Leadership Team, and the Operational Leadership Team took part in an experiential Indigenous Colonial Exercise and training course facilitated by members of Chief and Council and Senior Staff from the Chippewas of Rama First Nation.
- Endorsed, in principle, the proposed vision and ‘Made In Orillia’ guiding principles of the Official Plan Review project.
- Approved a communications and engagement survey to inform what communication and engagement tools are the most effective and potential new ways that the City can connect to residents.
Business Retention and Expansion and Culture
Since taking office, Council has made business retention and expansion and culture a priority.
Actions to date include:
- Supported the creation of an economic development strategy.
- Committed to funding of over $130,000 over five years to support the Mariposa Folk Festival.
- Authorized amendments to the City's by-law to open the doors for more ride-sharing opportunities.
- Endorsed Innovation Collective and allocated $500,000 from the Innovation Hub Reserve to administer the Innovation Collective three-year pilot project.
- Established an Economic Development Services Working Group.
- Adopted the Art in Public Places Strategic Plan in principle.
- Authorized amendments to the City's by-law to allow mobile ice cream trucks on city streets.
- Establishing a Lightfoot Museum Working Group.
- Renaming "Centennial Drive" to "Lightfoot Drive".
- Allocating $185,000 for an updated Parks, Recreation, Culture and Trails Master Plan.
- Approving the Downtown streetscape reconstruction design in the amount of $1.6 million.
- The Orillia 2024 Ontario 55+ Winter Games ran from February 6th to 8th 2024 with competition venues located throughout the region with $1.5 Million in estimated economic activity.
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