The City of Orillia has officially adopted its Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP), entitled Orillia's Climate Future, in principle. The plan targets Net Zero Emissions for corporate operations by 2040 and Net Zero Emissions for the community by 2050.
This plan serves as a roadmap for climate action decision making and priority setting in the City of Orillia over the next 30 years and sets ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets. Orillia's Climate Future identifies ways the community of Orillia can tackle the crucial challenge presented by climate change by making our homes, offices, roads, and green spaces more sustainable.
Orillia's Climate Future - Our Climate Change Action Plan
Learn about the details of the plan and how we're aiming to reach Net Zero Emissions by viewing the full Climate Change Action Plan report below.
We’ve achieved Milestone 3 of the Partners for Climate Protection program’s Milestone Framework. Milestone 3 is awarded to municipalities that have successfully developed a local climate action plan. We’re working to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions with PCP support:
PCP is a partnership between the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability. PCP receives financial support from the Government of Canada and ICLEI Canada.
Reporting to CDP
In 2023, the City of Orillia reported to CDP for the first time, joining thousands of cities worldwide that are reporting on their climate action progress.
Orillia's climate action efforts were evaluated, and the City received an impressive score of "A" for climate adaptation initiatives and an "A-" for work on climate mitigation! This puts the City of Orillia among the global leaders in climate action and celebrates the transparency and climate action leadership the City is demonstrating through Orillia’s Climate Future.
Big Moves to Reduce our GHG Emissions
Orillia will reach its Net Zero targets by following three Big Moves: Local Renewable Energy, Transportation, and Buildings. Each of these Big Moves includes different actions that will reduce GHG emissions while improving quality of life and affordability for Orillia residents and businesses. These actions are also anticipated to bring major economic benefits to Orillia, generating an estimated $2 billion in net financial returns for the community by 2050 and creating approximately 260 new local jobs annually, with the majority in residential and commercial building retrofits and infrastructure investments.
Frequently Asked Questions about Orillia's Climate Future
I am a resident of Orillia, how does this plan impact me and how can I get involved? |
Orillia residents will be critical to the success of the Community Plan, as everyone has a part to play in reducing our GHG (aka "carbon") emissions. The City will develop resources to help residents learn more about climate change and emissions reductions, and will develop programs for residents to take action to become engaged and empowered in fighting climate change. At this time residents are encouraged to read the Plan and reflect on the carbon emissions from daily activities such as transportation, and electricity and natural gas consumption. Residents can start taking climate action by trying out the following actions:
To stay up to date on new developments in Orillia's Climate Future, subscribe to receive email updates on this project at the top of this webpage. |
I am a business owner in Orillia, how does this plan impact me and how can I get involved? |
Businesses and organizations in Orillia have a crucial part to play in the Community Plan and in reducing the City's GHG emissions. The City will develop resources to help businesses and organizations learn more about climate change and emissions reductions, and will develop programs for them to take action to become engaged and empowered in fighting climate change. At this time businesses and organizations are encouraged to read the Plan and reflect on the carbon emissions from daily activities such as operations (energy and materials consumption), transportation, and suppliers. Your business or organization can start taking climate action by trying out the following actions:
In addition to reducing your GHG emissions, there are several benefits to adopting energy efficiency and low-carbon measures for your business or organization:
To stay up to date on new developments in Orillia's Climate Future, subscribe to receive email updates on this project at the top of this webpage. |
How can I share my feedback, get involved, or receive updates on this project? |
To stay up to date on new developments for Orillia's Climate Future, subscribe to 'Receive Email Updates' using the button at the top right of this page. The City and the community based steering committee will have public engagement opportunities for the public to become involved in the implementation planning. You may reach out to the email address provided above to share feedback on the implementation plan. |
What are next steps for Orillia's Climate Future? |
The City along with community partners will work to create an implementation plan to embark on emission-reducing actions, policies, projects and investments within the City’s jurisdiction. The implementation planning process will require a lot of great ideas and collaboration from various community members and organizations. If you're interested in participating in the planning process, subscribe to receive email updates on this project at the top of this webpage. |
What does Net Zero mean? |
Net Zero emissions refers to releasing either no greenhouse gas emissions or absorbing (offsetting) emissions such that the resulting effect is no further GHGs are released into the atmosphere which reduces the climate change pressure on future generations. Emissions may be offset through actions such as tree planting or using technologies that capture carbon before it can be released into the air. Net Zero emissions is a key concept in preventing extreme impacts and damages from climate change. |
What is a Carbon Budget? |
A carbon budget is the maximum amount of greenhouse gases that can be emitted world-wide without increasing the global average temperature more than 1.5° Celsius. In the context of the City’s reduction targets, the City would utilize a carbon budget model to assign the maximum GHG emissions that can be emitted each year (or other cycle) in order to reach the reduction target of 1/3 of emissions reduced in the community by 2030 over 2018 levels and Net Zero emissions by 2050. |
Is the City looking at both mitigating and adapting to the effects of climate change? |
The focus of Orillia’s Climate Future is on opportunities to reduce GHG emissions (often referred to as “mitigation”). Separately, the City is working on climate adaptation planning to prepare for the effects that are and will be experienced as a result of our changing climate. The graphic below illustrates the differences and common aspects of climate change adaptation and mitigation. You can learn more about the City's Climate Change Adaptation Strategy here. Image credit: ICLEI Canada |
Renewable energy generation is key to a low-carbon future. Are there considerations to encourage and allow for renewable energy infrastructure owned by residents within the city? |
New local renewable energy generation is a key part of the Action Plan. At this time the City has not developed a plan for community or privately owned renewable energy installations, however, in the meantime homeowners of single family homes and small multi-unit residential buildings can participate in the federal “Canada Greener Homes Grant” program. This program provides grant funding for rooftop solar panels in addition to other low-carbon (energy efficient) actions for your home such as new windows, doors, insulation, water and space heating equipment (i.e. furnaces/boilers). |
How does increasing active transportation (non-automobile) routes help an aging population with mobility issues and larger families that need to move around the city? |
Making neighborhoods accessible for people of all ages to safely and conveniently meet their daily needs is an important component of a thriving community. Bringing services closer to homes can increase accessibility through non-automobile transportation like walking, cycling, or scootering. Increasing accessible transportation routes for all regardless of age and ability will also increase safety. However, due to car-focused development of cities and communities in North America, it is likely that there will always be a need for automobiles. Having alternatives and options like shared vehicles or very efficient and dependable public transportation can reduce the need for personal vehicles. This also provides options for those unable to drive to explore and get around Orillia! |
Do electric cars have a smaller carbon footprint than a 2021 small 4 cylinder car? |
Based on life cycle analysis – which evaluates the environmental impact of a product's life cycle through production, use, and disposal – EVs have smaller carbon footprints than their fossil-fuel powered counterparts. The biggest difference in carbon emissions between EVs and internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles is during the 'use' stage when they're being driven on the road. Electric vehicles emit less greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) than conventional gas or diesel cars because there are very few emissions from Ontario's electricity grid. You can visit the following external websites to learn more about electric vehicles:
Project Background
Council Reports & Information Packages |
Reports to Council Council Committee Meeting, Recommendation of Climate Change Action Plan: April 11, 2022 Special Council Meeting, Project Update: January 28, 2022 Special Council Meeting, Project Update: October 22, 2021 Council Information Packages (CIP) |
Project Timeline |
In the 2021 budget, Council approved a request to create a Climate Change Action Plan. Despite the challenges presented by COVID-19, City staff alongside the consulting team moved forward with this important project in the spring of 2021. Inviting and seeking out interested community stakeholders to join the Community Based Steering Committee was key to harnessing local experience and engaging the community around the development of the plan. Detailed data collection and scenario modeling were conducted to determine an evidence-based approach to reducing Orillia's greenhouse gas emissions. The final action plan was presented to council and ratified on April 25, 2022. |
Virtual Open House |
A Virtual Open House was held on September 16, 2021 from 6:00-7:30pm as an opportunity for the public to share their feedback and ask questions to City staff and consultants about the Climate Change Action Plan. The Open House featured Bob McDonald, the host of CBC's Quirks and Quarks, as the guest speaker. The presentation from the virtual event can be viewed here. A summary of the event by Orillia Matters can be found here. |
Community Survey |
A community survey was conducted in September 2021 - it gained feedback on the community's visions and priorities for Orillia's Climate Future. The vision statements were developed by the Community-Based Steering Committee for Orillia's Climate Future, which has members from Sustainable Orillia, the Orillia District Chamber of Commerce, the Simcoe County District School Board, Raising the Roof, Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, and local businesses and organizations. A common thread through the vision statements was a focus on equity to ensure that all the citizens of Orillia are reflected in the plan. |
Sustainability in our Strategic Plan |
In the City’s Municipal Strategic Plan, Realizing Our Potential, adopted by council in December 2019, six strategic areas of focus were established. The Climate Change Action Plan will contribute to two of these themes: Healthy Environment and Sustainable Growth.
Healthy Environment outlines the City’s commitment to sustainability by becoming a leading municipality in environmental initiatives that will reduce Orillia’s environmental footprint. Sustainable Growth focuses on managing the City’s growth to maintain Orillia’s sense of community as it grows while ensuring that the financial, infrastructure and natural resources are managed responsibly.
What is Climate Change? |
According to Environment Canada, climate change is a long-term shift over several years in regional or global weather conditions identified by changes in temperature, precipitation, winds, and other indicators. Climate change involves changes in average conditions and increased extreme weather events. Factors that cause climate change can be divided into two categories - those related to natural processes and those related to human activity. Human contributions to climate change are due to the release of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, into the Earth’s atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels for transportation, heating and industrial activities. To learn more about climate change and definitions, check out this page. |
Thank you!
The City would like to thank all the members of the Community-Based Steering Committee who helped to create this plan by contributing their diverse views, opinions and ideas. Thank you as well to the community members who participated in the public engagement activities, stay tuned for more.
Media Coverage
Orillia's Climate Future has been covered by several local news outlets, click below to read more.
Related Projects
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Waste Minimization |
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