Project Summary |
Budget: $153,000 |
Timeline: Data collection is ongoing for the hydrology and hydraulic assessment of the City storm sewer network prior to undertaking the analysis of the simulated modelling results. Draft study deliverables, including the End-of-Pipe SWM Facility Opportunities Retrofit, Cedar Island Pumping Station Environmental Assessment, and the Sundial Creek Environmental Assessment, are anticipated to be provided to the City by Early-2024. The Stormwater Master Plan Update is expected to be completed Mid-2024. |
Consultant: Aquafor Beech Limited |
Project Contacts: Peter Hebert, Project Coordinator – Aquafor Beech Limited, 226-343-0646, Patrick MacDonald, Project Engineer – Stormwater – City of Orillia, 705-558-9538, |
Project Description |
The City of Orillia has retained a consultant, Aquafor Beech Limited, to update the Comprehensive Stormwater Master Plan to address the current long-term growth needs and provide a framework for sustainable management and optimization of the City’s stormwater system. The study will also provide the City with a plan for the expansion and improvement of the City’s stormwater infrastructure for the next thirty (30) years. As part of the Comprehensive Stormwater Master Plan Update Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA), the City has included two (2) Environmental Assessments (EAs) for the Cedar Island Pumping Station and Sundial Creek. The Cedar Island Pumping Station EA will provide a preferred alternative solution to mitigate the existing drainage conditions at Cedar Island Road and Davey Drive. The Sundial Creek EA will provide feasible improvements to the Sundial Creek catchment area to mitigate the impact to the watercourse and the wetlands. |
Project Documents |