The City of Orillia is currently completing several major projects to improve services for citizens and businesses in Orillia.
Bayview Sewage Pumping Station |
Pumping Station is critical as it services a large area of the City and is one of the few sewage pumping stations equipped with dedicated standby power. The station has a number of deficiencies, including old electrical and SCADA systems that require replacement, as well as an undersized wetwell that has its capacity exceeded during storm events, and limited redundancy for pumping. The City is requesting identification and evaluation of alternative solutions to address the deficiencies, improve the operations, and improve redundancy and sustainability of this sewage pumping station. For detailed information regarding this project, please visit the Bayview Sewage Pumping Station page. |
Centennial Drive Area Improvements |
A Municipal Class Environmental Assessment is being completed for the Centennial Drive Area. The initial scope of study included the re-alignment of Centennial Drive /Canice Street from Brant Street to Elgin Street and the extension of Coldwater Street from Front Street to Centennial Drive. The scope was expanded to include:
For detailed information regarding this project, please visit the Centennial Drive Area Improvements project page. |
Community Investment with Hydro One |
Council at a Special Meeting of Council held August 15, 2016, signed agreements with Hydro One that will see 36 acres of the 42-acre Horne Business Park in West Orillia used for an Advanced Technology Hub. The opportunity includes the acquisition of the Orillia Power Distribution Corporation by Hydro One. The development is anticipated to inject approximately $200 to $300-million in near-term economic impact on the community, including the construction of three facilities, the creation of a significant number of highly-skilled, knowledge-based jobs, and fibre optics upgrades within the City. For detailed information regarding this project, please visit the Community Investment with Hydro One project page. |
Comprehensive Stormwater Management Master Plan Update |
The City of Orillia has retained a consultant, Aquafor Beech Limited, to update the Comprehensive Stormwater Master Plan to address the current long-term growth needs and provide a framework for sustainable management and optimization of the City’s stormwater system. The study will also provide the City with a plan for the expansion and improvement of the City’s stormwater infrastructure for the next thirty (30) years. For detailed information regarding this project, please visit the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Master Plan Update project page. |
Downtown Tomorrow Community Improvement Plan |
The Downtown Tomorrow Community Improvement Plan (DTCIP) launched on January 1, 2017. This program seeks to encourage growth in Downtown Orillia, and in 2019 includes the provision of $200,000 in grants to offset costs of development in the downtown core for projects such as façade improvements, signage, feasibility studies, building improvements and the creation of residential units. Over time, the DTCIP is expected to increase tax assessment, employment opportunities and housing options in the City's core as part of a longer term plan to revitalize the downtown and link it more closely to Orillia's waterfront. A Community Improvement Plan (CIP) is a tool authorized by the Planning Act and Municipal Act which allows municipalities to offer financial incentives such as grants and loans to property owners and business tenants in order to encourage downtown, neighbourhood and community revitalization. For detailed information regarding this project, please visit the Downtown Tomorrow CIP project page. |
Foundry Park Skatepark and Playground |
The City of Orillia has retained New Line Skateparks for the purposes of completing community consultation, design, and construction documentation for the potential skatepark and playground project. In order to engage the community and skatepark users the City will be hosting three separate workshops to evolve design ideas into a preferred design for the Foundry Park Skatepark and Playground. For detailed information regarding this project, please visit the Foundry Park project page. |
Inch Farm Arterial Road Construction |
The project involves the establishment of a new arterial road including all underground and aboveground infrastructure to support the greenfield development of approximately 6.64 hectares of vacant industrial employment lands, east of Uhthoff Line and adjacent to Highway 11 extending north to the City limits. Development of the arterial road and associated infrastructure also requires consideration for servicing of adjacent existing and proposed residential and commercial properties on Murphy Road, Uhthoff Line and in Severn Township. For detailed information regarding this project, please visit the Inch Farm Arterial Road project page. |
Jarvis Street Reconstruction |
The project is reconstructing Jarvis Street from West Street North to Bay Street. This includes the replacement of City owned underground infrastructure such as water mains, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, as well as the reconstructing the at grade infrastructure such as the road surface, sidewalk, and bus pads. The current cross section of Jarvis street with two travelled vehicle lanes in each direction is anticipated to remain constant through the majority of the project. The project design is investigating the possibility of a vehicle lay-by on Jarvis Street near Bay Street for Couchiching Beach Park. Additionally, the project includes the design of replacement watermains through Couchiching Beach Park. For detailed information regarding this project, please visit the Jarvis Street project page. |
Laclie Street Reconstruction |
The City is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment to consider options for the reconstruction of Laclie Street from Neywash Street to Murray Street to meet traffic demands including active transportation. Reconstruction will also provide the opportunity to replace deteriorated underground infrastructure and extend it where necessary. For detailed information regarding this project, please visit the Laclie Street Reconstruction project page. |
Mill Creek and Ben’s Ditch Floodplain Mapping Study |
The City of Orillia has retained a consultant, WSP, to update the floodplain mapping for Mill Creek and Ben’s Ditch. The project is intended to identify the flood risk to the existing public and private properties and roadways adjacent to the water courses. The study will also recommend preliminary flood mitigation alternatives to address flooding impacts to buildings located within the updated floodplain mapping. For detailed information regarding this project, please visit the Mill Creek and Ben’s Ditch Floodplain Mapping Study project page. |
Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR) |
A municipal comprehensive review (MCR) is a requirement of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) at the time of the City’s Official Plan review. The MCR is the process by which the City brings its Official Plan into conformity with updated policies of the various Provincial plans which apply to the City of Orillia. The population and job forecasts of the Growth Plan to 2051 need to be planned for and accommodated through the MCR. Currently, the City is undergoing a Technical Land Evaluation which is a foundational component of the broader MCR. The Technical Land Evaluation will consider a Settlement Area Boundary Expansion, by way of an annexation, to accommodate the City’s anticipated population and employment growth. For detailed information regarding this project, please visit the Municipal Comprehensive Review project page. |
Naturalization and Horticulture Plan |
The Naturalization and Horticulture Plan will help the City to address shifting priorities and to embrace naturalization and habitat preservation along with the best horticultural practices. For detailed information regarding this project, please visit the Naturalization and Horticulture Plan project page. |
Orillia's Climate Future |
Climate change is a global issue that starts with local action. Orillia's Climate Future encompasses all the actions and planning that the City of Orillia is undertaking to reduce our environmental impact and strengthen the community's resilience to the effects of climate change. For detailed information regarding this project, please visit the Orillia's Climate Future project page. |
Orillia Youth Strategy |
The City of Orillia is developing a youth strategy and is looking for input from youth, local service providers, residents and businesses. The Orillia Youth Strategy has four main goals:
The strategy was approved through the Public Safety Canada Grant with the aim of reducing guns and gang violence within our community and looks to build on the City’s commitment to Orillia’s youth. For more information on the Orillia Youth Strategy project, please visit |
Sanitary Sewer CCTV and Relining |
This project involves CCTV inspection and Cured-in-Place Pipe (CIPP) relining of selected sections of sanitary sewers, in support of the road reconstruction and resurfacing programs. |
Tecumseth Street Reconstruction |
The City of Orillia has identified a need for improvements to Tecumseth Street from Laclie Street to Centennial Drive/Canice Street (approximately 200 m). This project will include reconstruction of the roadway and sidewalk, as well as design and installation of water, sanitary and storm sewer servicing to replace aging infrastructure. Tecumseth Street from Laclie Street to Centennial Drive/Canice Street is a two-lane road with a 400mm watermain, a 250mm gravity sanitary sewer, and stormwater sewers. For detailed information regarding this project, please visit the Tecumseth Street Reconstruction page. |
Terry Fox Circle Design and Construction |
The City of Orillia is currently finalizing design work and construction documentation for the Terry Fox Circle area of Couchiching Beach Park. The City is advancing this work to determine the best approach to address identified safety issues, increased park usage, and the overall condition of the Terry Fox Circle and the City’s popular waterfront. The Project Goals are to:
The Terry Fox Circle is being shortened so that the number of vehicles entering and driving through the park can be reduced. Shortening the Terry Fox Circle increases the amount of usable greenspace in the park and close to the water’s edge so that persons outside of their vehicles can enjoy the park unobstructed by automobiles and the associated noise, odour, safety concerns and pollution. The changes to this area of the park will allow more people to comfortably enjoy the public space. For detailed information regarding this project, please visit the |
Tudhope Park Improvements |
As part of the J.B. Tudhope Memorial Design Plan Update that was completed in partnership with the Mariposa Folk Foundation, pickleball courts and a festival stage were identified as park enhancements. For detailed information regarding this project, please visit the Tudhope Park Improvements project page. |
Waterfront Redevelopment Project |
In 2012, the City adopted the Downtown Tomorrow Plan, which set out a long term vision to better connect the downtown core and waterfront area. In 2016, the City acquired 70 Front Street North, an underutilized parcel of land which contained a large commercial plaza, with the intent to extend Coldwater Street to Centennial Drive and facilitate redevelopment of the southern portion of the plaza. As a shared vision between the City and the developer is crucial to the success of this project, the 9.75-acre site will be sold through two phases. The first phase is the Request for Qualifications (RFQ), which determines a shortlist of qualified proponents who share Council’s vision. The second phase is the Request for Proposals (RFP), which invites the shortlisted proponents to submit their detailed redevelopment proposal for the site. For detailed information regarding this project, please visit the Waterfront Redevelopment project page. |
West Street South Widening |
The City is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) to consider options for the widening of West Street South to support the connection between downtown Orillia and Highway 12 and to meet the needs of anticipated population and employment growth and traffic demands, including active transportation. After the preferred option is selected, detailed design will be completed through 2021, with construction anticipated in 2022. For detailed information regarding this project, please visit the West Street South Widening project page. |