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"Frequently Asked Questions" (FAQ) - provides answers to commonly requested information together with easy to follow links where additional materials and resources can be found, linked here.
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Call us at 705-325-1870 - with a busy department like ours, service via the phone may delay providing the information you require.
Visit us in person, 3rd Floor City Centre - scheduled appointments are preferred, please email to arrange.
The Official Plan sets out the objectives and policies to guide the short and long-term physical development of all lands within the City. Policies reflect consideration of the following:
- The planned allocation and distribution of different land uses, such as residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional
- The means to control the development and use of land, such as zoning, subdivision of land, and site plan control
- The provision of municipal services and facilities such as roads, sewers, and parks.
Policies contained in the Official Plan provide for orderly growth/development and compatibility among the many different uses of land within the municipality. While the objectives and policies primarily relate to the physical development, they also include objectives related to social, economic, and environmental matters. These are implemented through policies related to such things as housing, residential intensification, the location of community facilities, and open space.
The Official Plan is composed of text and maps. The text portion of describes the objectives and policies for these various land uses. Schedule A - Land Use indicates the general land use designations. Land use designation describes the predominant type of development planned for an area. Other maps identify wellhead protection areas, special policy areas, Lake Simcoe Watershed boundary, current and former waste disposal sites and associated assessment areas, and the recommended transportation and trail network. The Official Plan is implemented by the Zoning By-Law, subdivision and site plan control, through the current and capital budgets, and by other programs of the municipality.
Current Official Plan
Orillia City Council adopted the Official Plan on March 9, 2010, followed by an approval issued by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with modifications on March 17, 2011. Ten appellants filed appeals objecting to the Ministry's decision. The last of the appeals were dealt with by the OMB on Aug. 23, 2013.
Schedule D-Transportation Network
Schedule E-Parks and Trail System Network
Schedule F-Source Water Protection
Waste Disposal Assessment Areas
Please visit the Waste Disposal Assessment Areas webpage for information on background studies and requirements for undertaking a D4 Assessment Study. Properties located within the Waste Disposal Area can be found on Schedule "C" of the Official Plan.
1999 Official Plan
This Official Plan came into effect in 1999 and has been replaced by the City's Current Official Plan (2011).
1999 Official Plan Schedule A-Land Use
1999 Official Plan Schedule B-Overlay Designations
1999 Official Plan Schedule C-Transportation
1999 Official Plan Schedule D-Recreation
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