Have a Planning Question?
Email us anytime at - corresponding by email allows us to provide accurate, convenient, expedited service and is the preferred method of communication to provide the information you require in a fast and efficient manner. Please note that inquiries will be answered in sequence based on the time/date of receipt.
"Frequently Asked Questions" (FAQ) - provides answers to commonly requested information together with easy to follow links where additional materials and resources can be found, linked here.
Set up a virtual appointment - virtual meetings may be arranged with staff and time will be set aside to answer your questions. Please email for details
Call us at 705-325-2622 - with a busy department like ours, service via the phone may delay providing the information you require.
Visit us in person, 3rd Floor City Centre - scheduled appointments are preferred, please email to arrange.
* NEW * - Digital Submission of Applications (click here for more information)
Preconsultations are mandatory for the following Planning Applications:
- Site Plan
- Zoning By-law Amendment
- Official Plan Amendment
- Draft Plan of Subdivision or Condominium.
Before preparing your formal application for submission, the applicant is required to preconsult with the City for the types of applications listed above. Learn more about the City’s mandatory Preconsultation process. Preconsultation for Minor Variances and Consents is encouraged. Please contact for more information.
Planning Applications
The applicant-led consultation process has been updated effective January 1, 2023 for applications for Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, Draft Plan of Subdivision, and Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium.
Applicants applying for Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, Draft Plans of Subdivision, or Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium are required to undertake a Consultation Strategy and submit a Consultation Report in accordance with the Consultations Strategy & Reporting Requirements.
Other Planning Documents
- South Georgian Bay/Lake Simcoe Pre-Application Screening: Approval may be required as part of Planning Application Submission.
- Applications for Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, and Draft Plans of
Subdivision or Vacant Land Condominium are required to follow the Consultations Strategy & Reporting Requirements. - Multi Unit Inquiry Form can be submitted to the Planning Division if you would like to confirm if the residential dwelling units on your property are legal.
- A convenient local Consultants List to assist developers seeking professional services.
- Guide to creating a Site Plan for a Building Permit submission. A Site Plan is required to be submitted with most Building Permit applications to ensure the Building Permit application will comply with the City of Orillia’s Zoning By-law 2014-44, as amended. Your Site Plan will include providing details about your existing and proposed development including property lines, dimensions and setbacks to property lines of existing and proposed buildings, and parking. This Guide outlines the information required on a Site Plan and provides examples of different development scenarios.
- Minor Variance Information Guide
- Consent Information Guide
- Cannabis: Selling or Growing in Orillia
Thinking of Converting to a Multi-Unit?
The City supports safe and legal multi-unit conversions. The property must comply with Zoning, Building and Fire Code Regulations at all times. The following information has been prepared for owners thinking of converting a single family dwelling to a multi-unit dwelling.
- Guide to creating an Additional Dwelling Unit
- Plan Ahead. Guide to creating a Boarding, Lodging, or Rooming House
- A Dwelling Unit cannot have more than 4 renters
- Who do I Call? A contact list of important phone numbers
- Parking Requirements for Residential Buildings containing Four Dwelling Units
OPA and ZBA Application Process
Planning Process for OPAs and ZBAs
Highlights of the City of Orillia Planning Application Process for Official Plan Amendment applications and Zoning By-law Amendment applications include:
- Preconsultation is strongly recommended for a streamlined and cost-effective approval process.
- The applicant must complete the mandatory consultation process prior to submitting a complete application as outlined in the Consultation Strategy & Reporting Requirements. Large scale and/or complex applications may require an Applicant-led Public Open House hosted by the applicants/agents with the "Public Notice Sign" posted on the property prior to the Applicant-led Public Open House using the Sign Posting Guidelines prior to submitting a complete application.
- The City has a "14-day cooling off period" following a Public Meeting of Council re. Planning Matters to give Council the opportunity to further contemplate the application before making a decision at the next available Council meeting.
Municipal Addressing Manual
On Monday, January 29, 2018 Council approved a new Street Naming & Addressing policy. Together with that new policy, staff have created a Manual explaining the steps involved with street addressing and street naming.
Municipal Address Change Request Form
The City of Orillia attempts to make our website documents Accessible however, some of these documents may not completely meet all AODA Accessibility requirements. If you require assistance or communication support, please contact 705-325-2622.