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The following Provincial Plans apply to land use planning decisions in the City of Orillia:
- Provincial Policy Statement, 2020
- Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2017
- Lake Simcoe Protection Plan, 2009
When it comes to land use planning, the Province of Ontario:
- Issues provincial policy statements under the Planning Act
- Prepares provincial plans e.g., Greenbelt Plan and Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006
- Promotes provincial interests, such as protecting farmland, natural resources and the environment, as well as promoting development that is designed to be sustainable, supportive of public transit, and oriented to pedestrians
- Provides one-window planning service to municipalities through the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the primary provincial contact for advice and information on land use planning issues
- Gives advice to municipalities and the public on land use planning issues
- Administers local planning controls and gives approval where required.
Provincial Policy Statement, 2020
The Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 provides direction on matters of provincial interest related to land use planning and development, and promotes the provincial "policy-led" planning system.
The Provincial Policy Statement, 2005 came into effect on March 1, 2005. The Planning Act requires that all decisions affecting land use planning matters "shall be consistent with" the Provincial Policy Statement.
Matters of provincial interest identified in the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 include:
- Protection of natural resources
- Public health and safety
- Quality of the natural environment
It includes policies on key issues that affect our communities, such as: the efficient use and management of land and infrastructure; protection of the environment and resources; and ensuring appropriate opportunities for employment and residential development, including support for a mix of uses.
Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006
The Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006 was adopted by the Province under the Places to Grow Act (2005) and it came into effect on June 16, 2006. The Growth Plan covers the entire Greater Golden Horseshoe, which includes Orillia.
The Growth Plan is a 25-year plan to direct and manage growth for the purposes of:
- Building complete communities that are well-designed
- Offering a mix of housing, jobs, and transportation choices
- Providing easy access to stores and services to meet daily needs
The principles and policies contained in the Growth Plan guide decisions on how land is developed, how resources are managed, and how public dollars are invested. These principles have placed significant emphasis on intensification in existing areas, growing a strong and competitive economy, protecting natural resources, and optimizing the use of existing and new infrastructure.
All planning decisions in the City of Orillia must conform to the Growth Plan.
Lake Simcoe Protection Plan
The Lake Simcoe Protection Plan was established to protect the Lake Simcoe watershed. The Plan provides a roadmap to help restore and protect the health of Lake Simcoe by:
- Promoting immediate action to address threats to the ecosystem, such as excessive phosphorus in Lake Simcoe
- Targeting new and emerging causes of stress to Lake Simcoe such as invasive species and climate change
More than half of the City of Orillia lies within the Lake Simcoe watershed boundary and is subject to the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan. Schedule C of the City's Official Plan identifies the general location of the watershed boundary in the City of Orillia. The relevant policies of the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan can be found in the City of Orillia's Official Plan, 2011.