The City of Orillia recognizes private property owners have a desire to use their property for their own personal enjoyment. To assist with protection of Lake Simcoe and Lake Couchiching, the City requires development occurring on residential shoreline properties to obtain necessary approvals. This is typically in the form of a building permit application in compliance with Provincial and Municipal legislation. The purpose of applicable legislation is not to restrict development but rather to protect and enhance the shoreline and enjoyment of waterfront properties.
In order to help avoid, minimize and/or mitigate the impacts of stormwater on the quality and quantity of water entering Lake Couchiching and Lake Simcoe, and to prevent erosion while improving the quality of the shoreline, the City requires additional information for Shoreline Development. Learn more about the importance of Shoreline Development on Lake Simcoe and Lake Couchiching.
To establish a streamlined approval process, the City applies direction taken from the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan, Official Plan, Zoning By-law, and other applicable agencies to formulate a consolidated approval process through the submission of a building permit. Information below will assist with the necessary information required for application submission to ensure an efficient review of the proposal. Faster approval times mean you can get started on your project sooner!
What is involved?
STEP 1 - Pre-consultation:
Pre-consultation is a process that is highly encouraged before making building permit submission. Pre-consultation for shoreline development proposals with Planning Staff is necessary to ensure your submission contains the required information and to establish a streamlined complete application process. Please contact the Planning Division to schedule a pre-consultation meeting via a virtual meeting platform to determine application requirements in accordance with applicable legislation.
Below is a general list of possible documents required for shoreline development proposals. The below list is subject to the scope of development proposed and could vary. The pre-consultation meeting will outline which documents are applicable based on your proposal.
Planning Division Submission Requirements*:
(*) Please note the below does not include Building Division requirements for application submission. Please check with the Building Division for applicable submission requirements in accordance with the Ontario Building Code.
- Submission of a Site Plan Drawing, elevations, driveway areas, landscape areas, etc., dimensioned in metric.
- Submission of information indicating existing and proposed uses.
- A zoning matrix.
- Submission of a site plan drawing showing the existing structure location (survey) with dimensions in metric. See guide linked here.
- Submission of a grading plan completed by a Professional Engineer or Ontario Land Surveyor.
- Submission of a sediment control fencing plan with details.
- Submission of a tree protection and preservation plan (indicating tree species type, caliber, location, etc.).
- Submission of a vegetation planting plan/landscape plan. Native species types required. Concentration of planting shall be within the 30m buffer zone from the high water mark of Lake Simcoe or 15m buffer zone from the high water mark of Lake Couchiching with a variety of large, medium and small caliber vegetation plantings. Identification of grassed areas and access/amenity areas to the shoreline.
- Coastal Engineering Study (water structures).
- Slope stability Study.
- Geotechnical Study.
- Hydrogeological Study.
- Septic and Well locations, if applicable.
- Please be aware of the Flood Hazard overlay zone subject to section 15.4 of the Zoning By-law.
- Please ensure standards and provisions of section(s) 5.1.4, 5.35, 15.1 are adhered to within the Zoning By-law.
- Location of any seasonal docks/boat lifts/shoreline structures/etc. with dimensions from property lines.
A convenient local Consultants List may assist you with some of these submission requirements.
How do I book a Pre-consultation meeting?
Pre-consultation meetings are booked with a Planning Staff member and are provided through a virtual meeting, email, or phone call. Please contact the Planning Division to discuss and schedule your pre-consultation meeting.
What do I need to have prepared before a pre-consultation meeting?
You will also need a concept plan (site plan) that shows the location of property lines and setbacks to any existing and proposed structures. This can be in a basic illustration and can be provided to Planning Staff via email.
What can I expect at the pre-consultation meeting?
At the pre-consultation meeting you will meet with one of our Planner's to discuss your proposal, submission requirements, processing, and application. The Planner will ask questions about your proposal and answer any questions you may have. At the end of the pre-consultation meeting, you will be provided with a list of submission requirements, required fees and next steps via email. In some cases, a site visit may be required.
STEP 2 - Submission of Application:
Once applicable information has been complete based on your development proposal, and where your development requires a building permit, submission of a building permit application through the City's Building Division is required. Internal Circulation of the building permit application containing all required documents will be circulated to the Planning Division and other applicable Departments/agencies. For additional information on building permit applications and processing, please click here. Submission of digital documents, studies and applications are preferred and encouraged.
Should your proposal not require a building permit submission, please contact the Planning Department for additional information. Structures that do not require a building permit must meet Zoning By-law requirements. Please review the Zoning By-law for additional information. To identify the zoning of your property, please review in Zoning Maps and instructions provided here.
Examples of submission requirements based on the above Planning Division Submission requirements list are provided below. These examples are for illustrational purposes only and are intended to be used only as a guide.
Shoreline Restoration examples:
Landscape Plan/Planting Plan examples
Native Species information: Lake Simcoe Regional Conservation Authority
Depending on the scope and location of proposed work, additional requirements and permits could be required. Please see below links to other agencies that could require approvals:
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO)
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests
STEP 3 - Staff Review:
The City's Building and Planning Divisions, including other applicable agencies/departments, will review your permit submission. Typical review of a complete permit could take up to several weeks depending on the scope of the proposed development. Should you require a status update on any submitted application please contact the Building Division.
STEP 4 - Additional Information:
Through the review of your building permit submission, additional information / documents / studies may be required. Staff will contact the applicant to inform them of additional information required to complete their review. The permit will be placed on hold pending submission of required materials. Should Staff review identify additional processes required based on regulations, such as the Zoning By-law, Staff will contact the applicant and provide them with additional requirements to complete the permit.
STEP 5 - Permit Completion:
Once all applicable Departments and agencies have completed their review and any changes have been completed, the building division will contact you to indicate that your permit is ready and any applicable fees owing.
Please note that your development proposal is subject to the approved plans as part of your building permit submission. Should the development not meet approved plans or studies, enforcement action could be required or you may be required to submit an application with revised information/materials.
Additional information and links to assist you with your development proposal below: