Where does the City of Orillia's stormwater end up?
Rain water and snow melt's final destination depends on where it lands within the City. Ideally, water can be infiltrated into the ground depending on soil types and compaction levels, or it can be stored for later use in a rain barrel or other storage applications. Unfortunately in urban and commercial areas, water is conveyed by grading and paved surfaces into gutters and ditches that lead into catch basins and storm sewers.
In Orillia there are four possible areas where stormwater can drain, depending on where the precipitation lands. The following map illustrates the division of Orillia into drainage areas.
Based on the current stormwater system, the drainage areas all lead into one of the four lakes and creeks: Lake Simcoe, Lake Couchiching, Bass Lake, and Silver Creek.
Lake Simcoe:
Tributary of Bluffs Creek Watershed
Mill Creek Watershed
South Orillia Drainage Basin
Lake Couchiching:
North Orillia Drainage Basin
Bass Lake:
Bass Lake Drainage Watershed
Silver Creek:
Silver Creek Watershed
Remember: What goes into the storm sewer, must come out. The City of Orillia is working to provide quality controls to our stormwater system. For more information please refer to the Stormwater Master Plan portion of our website.
Click here to learn about the stormwater rates which took effect January 1, 2017.
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