Student Housing Orillia
Do you have questions about student housing in Orillia? We have prepared a list of contacts worth checking out at Who do I Call? A contact list of important phone numbers
Is the apartment or room I am considering legal?
Don't be caught without a place to live in the middle of a school year. Find out what questions to ask here, Looking for a place to live? Ask these questions.
In case you didn't know there are limits to the number of rooms that can be rented out before special safety measures have to be added. Check out A Dwelling Unit cannot have more than 4 renters.
Safety, to help you sleep better at night.
Everyone wants to have a good time. A little bit of preparation and common sense will go a long way in keeping the times good. Help yourself and your parents, check out the few simple tips below.
Safe Student Accommodations 101
Student Accommodations: A parents' guide
Check out what your school may have to offer for help too.
If you're a Georgian College student looking for housing, please visit the Georgian College Orillia Residence and Off-Campus Housing website.
If you're a Lakehead University student looking for housing, please visit the Lakehead Orillia Residence and Off-Campus Housing website.
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