Water and sewer bills are issued every three months for residential accounts and every two months for non-residential accounts. The accounts are billed on a basic charge and an actual metered usage charge. The volume charge for sewer fees is based on the metered water usage. A Stormwater fee is also charged on the bill and is based on the land use and impervious area.
Higher than Normal Bill?
Please be aware that higher than normal consumption may indicate a leak within your home. Residents and businesses are responsible for water consumption, including consumption caused by leaks. See Tips and Frequently Asked Questions for how to check for leaks and other water questions.
The Water Usage Customer Portal is available to all Orillia residents and businesses that have a water and sewer billing account. This portal allows you to see your water usage and create alerts that notify you of higher than normal water usage. This can help identify potential problems such as leaking toilets and taps.
Sign-up at or under the Online Services tab on the City’s homepage
Water and Sewer Rates | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Please see Municipal Code Chapter 459 - User Fees - Water and Wastewater User Fees to see the current water and sewer rates. |
Stormwater Fees | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stormwater infrastructure has traditionally been funded through municipal taxes for most Ontario municipalities. Some Ontario municipalities have recently implemented a stormwater fee to promote a more sustainable approach to stormwater infrastructure asset management and provide transparency. The City of Orillia implemented a Stormwater Utility Fee beginning in 2017 to support stormwater management measures. On December 7, 2020, Council approved moving the City from flat stormwater fees for Multi-Residential (four or more residential units) or Non-Residential (industrial, commercial, institutional or multi-use) Properties to a tiered system of fees based on calculated impervious areas, in order to provide a more equitable application of fees. Residential properties (properties having three or fewer residential units) will remain on a flat fee.
Chapter 461 - User Fees - Environmental Services and Operations - Stormwater |
E-Billing Service | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sign up for e-billing to receive water and sewer bills directly to your email. You will need your most recent water and sewer bill to enter your account information. Once submitted, you will receive an email confirming your successful sign up. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please try signing up again or contact the City of Orillia Financial Services Department at 705-329-7239. Once you sign up for e-billing, you will no longer receive a paper copy of your water and sewer bill in the mail. |
Bill Payments | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pre-Authorized PaymentsThis payment option is a convenient and secure way to pay water and sewer bills automatically from your bank account. The frequency of the bank withdrawals is as per the due date listed on the bill. To sign-up, complete the Pre-Authorized Water Payment Plan form. Online or Telephone BankingPayments can be made online or by telephone with your bank. To pay online, you’ll need to add the City as a payee. Under the payee search, search “Orillia” in the payee search and select the water option from the payee list to add the City. The WS water account number, on your water bill, is the account number you will use with no space or decimal point. Example: WS12345678 Financial InstitutionsWater payments can also be made at most financial institutions. The WS water account number, on your water bill, is the account number you will use with no space or decimal point.
Please note: Payments made through your bank can take 2-3 business days to reach our office. Payment is credited to the account the date it is received in our office. In PersonCity Centre - First Floor Treasury CounterPayments of debit, cash or cheque can be made at the City Centre during regular business hours: City Centre
50 Andrew Street. South., Main floor, Treasury counter
Orillia, ON L3V 7T5
8:30am–4:30pm Monday–Friday (excluding holidays)
City Centre - Afterhours Drop Slot - CHEQUES ONLYPayments can also be made by dropping off a cheque in the City Centre afterhours drop slot, located outside the main doors at 50 Andrew Street South. By MailThe City of Orillia
50 Andrew St. S., Suite 300
Orillia, ON L3V 7T5 Please contact the Financial Services Department at 705-329-7239 if you have any questions about your bill.
Owner Agreement for Tenant Form (To be Completed by Property Owner) |
If you would like your tenants to be responsible for paying the water and sewer bills, please complete the Owner Agreement for Tenant form. Completing this form will create a water and sanitary sewer account care of the tenants. Please email the completed form to |
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