TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Orillia will hold a Special Meeting on Monday, October 16th, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. in the Orillia Opera House, 20 Mississaga Street West to formally initiate the process to review and update the City of Orillia’s Official Plan pursuant to subsection 26 (3) of the Planning Act.
The purpose of this Special Meeting of Council is to discuss the revisions that may be required to the Official Plan. It is intended to provide an opportunity for the public to offer comments regarding any issue or matter that should be considered during the Official Plan Review process. The meeting also provides an opportunity to present an overview of timelines and important milestones for the project.
The City of Orillia Official Plan is a long-term policy document that guides land use planning decisions in the City. It establishes the goals, objectives, and policies for managing growth, ensuring adequate housing, jobs, infrastructure, community services, and protecting the natural areas. The Planning Act requires that a municipality’s Official Plan be updated at least every five years.
The intent of the project is to review the existing planning framework and update policies of the City’s existing Official Plan from 2011, to conform to the latest changes in Provincial policies and legislation. The Official Plan Review will set out ‘Made in Orillia’ planning principles developed in response to community input and policies related to land use, development, natural heritage, population and job growth to 2051.
Your input and ideas are important for the City to undertake a meaningful review of its Official Plan. Future opportunities to get involved will be made available as the project progresses.
The City’s current Official Plan is available for review on the City’s website
Updating the City’s Official Plan is part of Orillia’s ongoing Municipal Comprehensive Review and will build upon and implement work already completed, including:
- Master Plans and Studies, such as the Multi-Modal Transportation Master Plan, Servicing Master Plans, Climate Action Plan, and Downtown Tomorrow Plan
- Growth Management Reports, including the Land Needs Assessment and Technical Evaluation for Settlement Area Boundary Expansion.
As part of this Official Plan Review, the City is undertaking a Natural Heritage System Evaluation and Flood Plain Mapping Study.
- The Natural Heritage System Evaluation will map a comprehensive natural heritage system for Orillia and establish new policies in the Official Plan that protect important natural areas such as woodlands and wetlands.
- The Flood Plain Mapping Study will determine areas that may be subject to flooding hazards in Orillia and provide mapping and policy updates to protect areas from future risk along Mill Creek and Ben’s Ditch.
Any person may make written or verbal representation regarding what revisions may be required as part of the proposed update to the City’s Official Plan. Individuals who wish to provide verbal representation may do so in-person at the Special Meeting of Council to be held in the Orillia Opera House (20 Mississaga Street West) at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, October 16, 2023. Individuals may also make written submissions by emailing or placed in the drop slot located outside of the Orillia City Centre, 50 Andrew Street South, Orillia, clearly marked regarding “Planning Division – Official Plan Review”.
Please note that comments and input collected in response to this Notice will be used to assist City staff and Council in preparing the updated Official Plan and will form part of the public record.
Additional information and material relating to the City’s Update and Review of the Official Plan is available for review on the City’s webpage at: For further information or to make an appointment with Planning staff, you may phone the general planning line at 705-325-2622 or email or contact Jill Lewis, Senior Planner, at 705-418-3232 or
Dated: August 30, 2023
Notice of Special Meeting of Council Re: Review and Update to the Official Plan