The City is kindly asking residents to please refrain from flushing 'flushable' wipes. Did you know that even though baby wipes may indicate that they are flushable, they should not be put into our wastewater system? This also includes adult wipes, cleaning wipes (Clorox, Lysol, etc.) and toddler wipes. In fact, the only paper product that should be 'flushed' is toilet paper. It is the only paper that is designed to break down as it travels through the wastewater treatment process. All others were NOT designed to breakdown and thus create problems within the wastewater system. They can also cause blockages in the property owner’s sewer line and can lead to costly plumbing repairs.
Below is a list of items that should NOT be disposed of in the toilet:
- Paper towels
- Dental floss
- Baby wipes
- Sanitary applicators
- Disposable diapers
- Cotton balls, swabs or pads
- Dirty or clean rags or cloths
- Rubber or plastic items (e.g. Latex gloves)
- Sanitary products
- Cleaning wipes
- Hair
- Chewing gum
- Food waste
- Fats, oils and grease
For more information on the City's wastewater system please visit the following site.