TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Orillia will hold an Electronic Public Meeting on Monday, July 17th 2023 at 1:00 p.m. via Zoom to consider the following Zoning By-law Amendment Application:
Owner: LIV Communities
Agent: Biglieri Group
Application No.: D11-911
Subject Property: 4501 Uhthoff Line
The subject property is designated “Living Area – Neighbourhood Greenfield”, in part, and “Environmental Protection Area”, in part, in the City’s Official Plan and is currently zoned “Residential Two – Exception One (Holding Three)” (R2-1(H3)), in part; “Residential Two – Exception Three (Holding Three)” (R2-3(H3)), in part; and “Environmental Protection” (EP), in part, under the City’s Zoning By-law 2014-44, as amended.
Purpose and Effect:
The purpose and effect of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to align the zoning of the subject lands with the proposed Red Line Revision to the existing Draft Plan of Subdivision to permit a range of zoning to allow for Single Detached Dwelling Units with site-specific performance standards; Townhouse Dwelling Units with site-specific performance standards; and Back-to-Back Townhouse Dwelling Units with site-specific performance standards, in addition to zoning for the proposed stormwater management ponds, parkland, and servicing/walkway blocks. The Zoning By-law Amendment will also refine the location of the Environmental Protection Zone to align with the location of the existing coldwater tributary to Silver Creek and provide an appropriate buffer to adequately protect this feature.
It is proposed that the existing Draft Plan of Subdivision be amended to increase the total number of Dwelling Units from 169 to 351. Known as the Inch Farm Residential Subdivision, this 13.6 hectare parcel of land received Draft Plan of Subdivision approval in 1993 with no lapsing provision for 123 Single Detached Dwelling Units and 46 Semi-Detached Dwelling Units. This parcel of land was recently purchased by LIV Communities and is now being proposed to be developed for:
- 39 Single Detached Dwelling Units and 122 Townhouse Dwelling Units on future municipal roads;
- Two future Common Element Condominium blocks (proposed to contain 120 Townhouse Dwelling Units and 70 Back-to-Back Townhouse Dwelling Units on future private condominium roads);
- Two stormwater management ponds to be owned by the City;
- A future park to be owned by the City;
- Servicing and walkway block; and,
- 15m to 23.7m wide Environmental Protection buffer on either side of the coldwater tributary to Silver Creek.
PLEASE NOTE, due to renovations taking place in the City Centre Council Chamber, this Public Meeting will be held electronically. IF YOU INTEND TO PARTICIPATE IN THE ELECTRONIC PUBLIC MEETING you are required to register with the Clerk’s Division (, 705-325-1311) by no later than noon on Friday, July, 14th, 2023. Upon registration, the necessary information required to join the meeting will be provided to you on the morning of July 17th. Please note that appropriate technology is required to participate in this manner, such as a computer with camera, microphone, speakers, and a reliable internet or phone connection. Written submissions prior to the meeting date are required from those parties intending to participate in the meeting, in order that your comments are on record in the event of any technical difficulties. Note that the Applicant and/or their Agent are not required to pre-register with the Clerk’s Division. Please contact Jill Lewis, Senior Planner, prior to the meeting date with any questions. Written submissions from any party may be forwarded by email to or dropped off in the drop slot outside of City Hall, 50 Andrew Street South, Orillia, clearly marked regarding “Inch Farm – Public Meeting – Planning Division”.
For more information about this matter, including information about your appeal rights and for additional information and material relating to the proposal, you may contact the general planning phone number at 705-325-2622 or general email or contact Jill Lewis, Senior Planner, at 705-418-3232 or
To review all of the drawings and reports submitted with this complete application, please scan the QR code provided or visit our website at:
Dated: June 21, 2023
Location Map